{"id":5650,"date":"2022-12-21T21:26:48","date_gmt":"2022-12-22T02:26:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/iesmartsystems.com\/?p=5650"},"modified":"2022-12-28T21:50:42","modified_gmt":"2022-12-29T02:50:42","slug":"guide-to-smart-offices","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/iesmartsystems.com\/guide-to-smart-offices\/","title":{"rendered":"Beginners Guide To Smart Offices [2023 Edition]"},"content":{"rendered":"

Beginners Guide To Smart Offices [2023 Edition]<\/h1><\/div>

The way we think about work has changed exponentially since the beginning of the pandemic, and the odds of things returning to “normal” are highly unlikely. This is not a bad thing, however, as the massive changes that have taken place across the landscape of work in general present amazing opportunities.<\/p>\n

You might have heard about the concept of smart offices throughout the past couple of years and while it might sound like one of those buzzword terms that place the word “smart” in front of another word for no reason, it’s anything but.<\/p>\n

Smart technology in the workplace is enhancing the functionality of work as we know it, and as such, it’s only going to keep growing in popularity.<\/p>\n

If you’re interested in bringing more smart technology to your office setting, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll explain what a smart office is, how it benefits the workforce, and what sort of technology you’ll want to implement into your plans when you design your own integrated and automated office system for 2023.<\/p>\n<\/div>

What is a Smart Office?<\/h2><\/div>

Like many other terms that include the \u201csmart\u201d modifier, a smart office is one that makes use of technology in order to make working life more efficient for both employers and employees alike.<\/p>\n

Smart offices focus on productivity, efficiency, and the unique working styles of individuals\u00a0on the team. Whether the office conducts workdays remotely or in-office, this technology aims to enhance collaborative efforts and ease of access related to office technologies and tools.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, they implement analytics and reporting applications so that employers and team leads can gain more perspective on the various points that contribute to creating a more cohesive, inclusive working environment.<\/p>\n

One of the main goals is to enable employees and teams to find their own unique working styles and design their surrounding workspace (both the technical and the physical elements)\u00a0in a way that best meets their needs. We\u2019ll explore how this is done a little later in this article, but for now, let\u2019s explore some of the key benefits associated with adopting this trend.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Benefits of an Integrated Office<\/h2><\/div>

One of the most notable benefits of adopting smart office technology includes the process of doing away with the outdated office design.<\/p>\n

Embracing a more connected, modern way of working serves to improve the entire work landscape. By creating systems of technology that allows tools, networks, and devices to communicate with one another, the transmission of information has become faster than ever.<\/p>\n

Along with embracing new work routines and technologies, employers and office managers are also more focused on encouraging individuality among employees. Rather than insisting upon one work model for every team member, these workspaces allow modifications that make improving productivity possible for everyone.<\/p>\n

Creating an ideal workspace for each employee, embracing the connectivity of modern technology, and enhancing the overall “flow” of the office space stand to\u00a0present the following benefits.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Boost Productivity<\/h3><\/div>

The various technologies used create a network of connected devices, which adds a level of convenience and frees up time that would otherwise be spent needing to check in and determine the statuses of out-of-network tools and devices.<\/p>\n

Additionally, the connectivity allows teams and individual employees to connect with one another regardless of where they’re located. Employees can collaborate when group efforts are needed, and should a tech-related issue occur, the IT team can dispatch repairs quickly and effectively.<\/p>\n

Not only does this measure increase productivity, but it reduces downtime and financial losses. This is especially true for workplaces that make use of\u00a0office automation software, which allows AI programs to handle many of the more tedious, data-heavy elements of the workweek so that employees are free to engage themselves with more rewarding tasks.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Workplace Flexibility<\/h3><\/div>

Allowing remote or hybrid working conditions has never been more applicable thanks to technology. As such, workers are able to perform tasks in ways that speak to their own production needs. Remote working conditions are one option, but even in-office environments stand to benefit from using connected technologies. Connected networks of tools and programs allow offices to complete work quickly and efficiently, on top of providing flexible work features that attract talented, dedicated workforces.<\/p>\n

Increased employee flexibility makes it easier to secure the right candidate for an open position, even if that candidate lives across the country.<\/p>\n

On top of that, using technology to add flexibility to work performance can enable employees to produce superior results through collaborative activities that don’t disrupt the workflows of other employees.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Energy Efficiency<\/h3><\/div>

Integrated systems, in addition to promoting a more efficient workplace, also create a landscape that embraces smart energy consumption. Motion sensors, for example, can control lighting and utilities in office spaces to reduce power usage when nobody is residing in a certain section of the office.<\/p>\n

Energy monitors that are connected to the overall work system can also analyze power consumption patterns and generate reports that suggest changes that can be made to improve energy efficiency throughout the office.<\/p>\n

On top of reducing energy costs, these tools can also help prevent system overloads, slow internet connections, and data losses.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Enhanced Safety<\/h3><\/div>

Workplaces that enable remote, hybrid, or spaced-out working conditions also improve the health and well-being of employees. By keeping teams connected through technology, smart workplaces reduce the frequency of germ transmission through touch and the close proximity of workers. Employees who contract illnesses have the opportunity to complete work from home so that they’re not exposing teammates to bacteria and viruses.<\/p>\n

Some even utilize smart air conditioning devices, such as smart air purifiers that work to keep office air clean. These systems clean and cycle the air in a room so that employees are constantly breathing healthy air that’s been stripped of potential contaminants.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Smart Office Ideas<\/h2><\/div>

Essential features of smart offices aim to increase productivity and workplace efficiency by ensuring that employees not only have the tools they need accessible at their fingertips. Much of the appeal focuses on the aesthetics and ergonomics of office setups.<\/p>\n

For example, whether employees work from home or in the office, smart lighting is a highly sought-after element of many office spaces. Not only does adequate, well-sourced lighting increase productivity, but skipping overhead fluorescent lighting can also work to stabilize moods.<\/p>\n

Smart furniture,\u00a0like ergonomic desks and chairs,\u00a0aims to improve posture and reduce pain so that employees are comfortable enough to produce their best work.<\/p>\n

Finally, exceptional wi-fi connection is a feature that enables many additional features and tools. With dependable internet service, wireless connections throughout the office become quick and easy. Employees don’t have to walk down the hall and wait on photocopies in order to hand out office memos anymore. Online notifications take care of that task and save paper at the same time.<\/p>\n

Additionally, tools that enable online meeting spaces, collaborative efforts, and workplace activities from one simple dashboard ensure that everyone on the team is kept in the loop about current workplace schedules, notices, and training sessions.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Technologies of a Smart Office<\/h2><\/div>

The best technologies to utilize can vary depending on the scope of work being done and office-specific use cases. Fortunately, the internet of things revolution gives you plenty of options. In general, smart offices will use both hardware and software to facilitate smart working conditions. For example, using programs that make smart workspaces and visual collaborations possible are popular options.<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s cover common hardware and software components used in many environments, whether they\u2019re remote offices that employees design at home or in-person offices they travel to throughout the workweek.<\/p>\n<\/div>


The physical elements might include smart devices like:<\/p>\n