Senior VP of Professional Services

Jeff Vinklarek is the Senior VP of Professional Services at i.e. Smart Systems

With over 25 years of experience in technology, Jeff founded the Audio/Video division of i.e.Smart Systems. The i.e.Smart Systems team counts on Jeff to provide client/manager/contractor perspectives from his expertise in working from all sides of engineering, designing, and manufacturing in the technology field. He has been the lead project manager on numerous projects at i.e.Smart Systems, including: BP, Texas A&M, Exxon, Boeing, NASA, Texas Children’s Hospital, Marriott & Renaissance Hotels, Noble Energy, Post Oak Hotel, and the Golden Nugget Hotel.

Jeff graduated Sam Houston State University and Stephen F. Austin State University. He was the first Certified Technology Specialist-Design in the State of Texas and was awarded Samsung’s “Distinguished Pro AV Consultant of the Year.” Jeff holds and maintains certifications in Crestron, AMX, Polycom, and Cisco. His unique owner-view continues to bring wonderful client-side improvements and team growth investment opportunities. Jeff brings a positive spirit and his collection of goofy antics to i.e.Smart Systems and we love him for that.

In his personal time, Jeff loves to write, is an avid music lover and audiophile, enjoys collecting relics, and is obsessed with anything Marvel. He and his wife with their four children (all starting with the letter K) will likely be found playing Settlers of Katan (ask him about his family Leader Board), Dominos, and Monopoly. His dog Peekabo Drako is always asking for treats while their furry friend kitty, named Kat, is usually getting yelled at from across the room.

q1 JEFF VINKLAREKDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought. -Masuo Bashoq2 JEFF VINKLAREK