How to Improve the Efficacy of Your Human Firewall

Did you know that more than 80% of all companies in the United States alone have been hacked at least once at some point in the past? Information technology and company security are two very important factors when it comes to a company’s integrity. If company data gets into the wrong hands, the very foundation of the company could be at risk.
This is one of the many reasons why a human firewall is so important. While network security is important on its own, human firewall security is just as important. If you don’t think that your company has the best firewall it can possibly have, then it might be time to double down on its quality.
Keep reading and learn more about how to improve the efficacy of your human firewall below.
Create the Perfect Human Firewall Plan
You can’t start considering human firewall effectiveness without first building an effective human firewall plan. Creating such a plan is not as difficult as you might think, but you should certainly put a lot of thought into it. If you don’t have all the major (and minor) details written out, there will be holes in your plan.
Of course, if there are holes in the firewall plan, there will be holes in the firewall itself and this will ultimately not be very helpful for your company’s security. But how should you start creating such a plan, you might ask? The first step is to think about what kind of security policies you need.
Security policies, in a sense, are the foundation of any good human firewall. Keep in mind that these policies should not be vague but instead should be very specific and detailed. Also, you should make sure that your security policies cover a wide array of security topics.
The Security Policies
If your policies only focus on one part of your security network, the other security aspects will obviously not be in good shape. The main factors that these policies should focus on are email security, passwords, and so on. Passwords, of course, are especially important.
However, creating a good human firewall plan isn’t only about creating good security policies. It is also important to make sure that your employees understand and follow these policies. You might have amazing security policies, but if no one uses them, they won’t be of much use, so be sure to enforce these policies among your employees for the best results for your firewall plan.
Onboarding New Employees With Human Firewall Knowledge
If you want to start building a firewall that actually works, it is important to start with new employees. As soon as you get a new employee, make sure that the new hire knows all about the focus your company has on security. If you don’t teach your new hire about security right away, this new hire might end up ruining your company’s security structure.
The best time to teach your employees about the importance of a human firewall is during the onboarding process. The onboarding process, of course, is when you familiarize a new hire with your company. This is also the time when you should teach your new employee important information about how your company works.
That way, right away, your new hires will know how important it is for a company to have a secure human firewall. If you want, you can start this information even earlier by starting during the recruitment stage. This, in a sense, builds a sort of security culture within your company.
The Details
If everyone knows that security is important for the success of the company (and its employees) your employees will be more likely to take the concept of security to heart. While you are hiring your employees, it is also important to ensure that they themselves are not security threats to your company.
Often, new hires pose as regular employees only to steal company information and leave the company soon after. This, of course, could be detrimental, especially if very important information gets leaked from your company. As long as you stay on top of things and prioritize security from your company’s very foundation, you will have a better chance of keeping your company’s security film.
Keep Your Employees Informed
You won’t be able to have a very good human firewall if your employees don’t know much about what security concerns are going on. To make sure that your human firewall is in great shape, you should keep your employees informed. In particular, you should teach them about whatever new threats happen to be on the horizon.
You should also educate them about how they can better protect themselves and the work they’re doing for the company. Simple tasks such as clicking on strange links could destroy a company’s firewall if employees aren’t aware and careful about their actions.
An occasional company newsletter won’t do much to keep your employees informed. Employees need to take an active role against new security threats. If they see a potential threat, they should be aware of it and know how to deal with it.
What You Need To Know About Your Human Firewall
If you want a good human firewall, you’ll need to consider several important aspects. For one, you’ll want to start with a solid human firewall plan. This will help you map out security concerns, holes in your security measures, and so on.
You should also make sure that you instill the importance of security into new employees during the onboarding process. Finally, be sure to keep your employees informed about new threats.
About i.e.Smart Systems
i.e.Smart Systems is a Houston, TX based technology integration partner that specializes in design and installation of audio/visual technology and structured cabling. For more than three decades, our team of in-house experts has partnered with business owners, architectural firms, general contractors, construction managers, real estate developers, and designers in the Houston market, to deliver reliable, scalable solutions that align with their unique goals.