The Ultimate Guide to Shooter Detection Systems

shooter detection systems The Ultimate Guide to Shooter Detection Systems

When lives are on the line, every second counts.

The unfortunate reality is that mass shootings have become the norm in the US. Schools, shopping centers, and even parade grounds could become the target of a shooter. But even when a shooting has begun, it can take time to alert the authorities.

And with every passing minute before authorities arrive, lives are lost.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution: shooter detection systems. These are automatic systems that report a shooting to authorities without human intervention. They’re easy to implement and may save many, many lives.

Let’s discuss what they are, and how they work.

What Are Shooter Detection Systems?

A shooter detection system is a security solution that detects gunfire. You can install them anywhere, and they can cover large areas. The only thing that matters is that their microphones remain uncovered to capture all the sound.

A key feature of a shooter detection system is the ability to alert authorities. There’s no need for a human to explain the situation over the phone. This detection system delivers the news straight to the police so they can handle the situation.

Response time is essential here. Shooter detection systems need to detect gunfire, evaluate whether it constitutes a threat, and then make a rapid request for support. It can save seconds or minutes that might otherwise lead to the loss of human life.

In some cases, you can pair them with other systems. Intrusion systems and CCTV cameras all improve the ability to locate a shooter and help victims escape.

During a shooting, what matters to the authorities is control of the situation. They need to get innocent people out without leading to more injury or death. They need precise knowledge of the shooter’s movements so they can defend innocents and take them down.

Further, a shooter detection system can keep others from entering the scene of a shooting. It allows authorities to send emergency alerts to cell phones. This prevents further loss of life from those who unknowingly arrive at the scene.

How Do Shooter Detection Systems Work?

A gunshot detection system is, in essence, much like Siri or the Google Assistant. It’s an AI that listens for a specific sort of noise and then activates. These systems are capable of separating gunshots from other surrounding sounds.

In a typical environment, there is a lot of noise. HVAC systems, industrial equipment, human commotion, and much more. All of these sounds are distinct.

A shooter detection system can tell the difference between firearm discharges and other sharp, loud sounds. It would be unfortunate if gunshot detection systems mistook a backfiring car for gunfire.

Fortunately, a gunshot has a very unique sound signature. Even at distance, a computer can delineate a gunshot from the surrounding ambiance. 

However, not all situations are the same. Sometimes there is very poor audio quality. Sometimes the microphone has a poor placement location, leading to poor audio capture.

That’s why gunshot detection systems must use a form of AI. This allows them to recognize gunshots even in loud environments with thousands of unique sound signatures.

How AI Differentiates Gunshots

Developers train this AI to listen to thousands upon thousands of gunshots. These gunshots come in different situations, with different microphone placements, and different building layouts.

Not all gunshots are the same. The type of gun, type of round, and caliber all affect the sound signature. The AI trains to recognize all kinds of gunfire, no matter what weapon a shooter is using.

This includes suppressed fire. Suppressed fire refers to when a shooter uses a suppressor on the weapon’s barrel to muffle the sound. Contrary to Hollywood’s portrayal, a suppressed weapon is still quite loud.

Thus, this particular AI has quite the challenge. It needs to recognize gunshots of all kinds, in all conditions, even when the gunshot is suppressed. It needs to recognize a gunshot when it is overlapping other sounds.

Thanks to modern technology, an AI can train for years in just a few minutes. Within a few weeks of training, an AI can listen to thousands upon thousands of hours of sound capture.

The developers of this AI then test it out, perfecting the AI’s ability to detect gunfire. A key aspect of this training includes false positives. The AI needs to tell apart sounds that closely resemble a gunshot.

The end result is an AI that can detect a shooter before anyone else. It uses thousands of hours of training data to recognize the patterns of shootings. Once it is sure it has heard a gunshot; it sends an alert to the authorities.

Use Cases for Shooter Detection Systems

Shooter detection systems serve to supplement existing exit strategies and security solutions. Organizations can and should use other methods to prevent shootings. But once a shooting has begun, a shooter detection system is the best way to communicate the situation.

You can place a shooting detection system almost anywhere. All it needs are hardpoints to mount microphones and a network connection.

A shooter detection system is ideal for places with heavy human congestion. Schools, universities, malls, movie theaters, and many other places have been the scene of past shootings.

Further, shooter detection systems can work outdoors. Parade grounds and open-air concerts have also been targets in the past. Even though these places include a lot of ambient noise, a shooter detection system can recognize gunfire.

Get a Shooter Detection System for Your Organization

Shooter detection systems serve to supplement existing exit strategies and security solutions. Organizations can and should use other methods to prevent shootings. But once a shooting has begun, a shooter detection system is the best way to communicate the situation.

You can place a shooting detection system almost anywhere. All it needs are hardpoints to mount microphones and a network connection.

A shooter detection system is ideal for places with heavy human congestion. Schools, universities, malls, movie theaters, and many other places have been the scene of past shootings.

Further, shooter detection systems can work outdoors. Parade grounds and open-air concerts have also been targets in the past. Even though these places include a lot of ambient noise, a shooter detection system can recognize gunfire.

About i.e.Smart Systems

i.e.Smart Systems is a Houston, TX based technology integration partner that specializes in design and installation of audio/visual technology and structured cabling. For more than three decades, our team of in-house experts has partnered with business owners, architectural firms, general contractors, construction managers, real estate developers, and designers in the Houston market, to deliver reliable, scalable solutions that align with their unique goals.